Edition 21 and 22 - PodUniversal - An Unsung Hero
From 2007 onwards, United Nations has declared that Mahatma Gandhi's birthday i.e. 2nd October every year will be observed as "International Non violence Day" globally. Mahatma Gandhi was leading the freedom movement few decades back against the mighty British Empire and succeeded in his mission. In these days, when violence, extremism, terrorism are on the increase, the concept of 'Non Violence" assumes greater significance. Violence has no place in the development of the society.
To mark this occasion, we present to you a real time case study of Mr Periaswamy of Tamilnadu. Mr Periaswamy right from his boyhood, got engaged himself in extremism. He was arrested and sentenced to death by the Court. He was relieved by the High Court later. During his five years of imprisonment, Mr Periaswamy realised that 'violence' had no place in the development of dalits and downtrodden. A totally changed person, Mr Periaswamy, has now organised 63 night schools in 63 hamlets in two districts and started providing education to dalit and downtrodden children. (see pic. on right)
Besides, he is also conducting tailoring sessions to benefit the young ladies and girls in these localities. (see pic. on left)
Mr Periaswamy may be contacted at nandanartrust@gmail.com
His silent revolution is now benefitting nearly 4000 children of his locality. In an exclusive interview with K. Srinivasan, Editor of PodUniversal, he explains in detail about his transformation.
Interview with English translation:
Please click to play to listen to his interview with English translation. If you want to download the mp3 file (12 mb), click this link and save to your desktop
Interview in Tamil (original version)
If you want to listen to his interview in Tamil (original), please click to play. You can download the mp3 file (12mb) by clicking this link and saving to your destop.
Conflict causes destruction and Peace brings prosperity.
ReplyDeleteAs a philosophy or as a strategy, Non-violence rejects the use of physical violence in efforts to attain social, economic and political change. Non-violence is used as a synonym for pacifism. Peace and Peaceful resistance are the two sides of the Non-violence just as Ethics and Self regulation are the two sides of Moral Values.
Mr Periaswamy must have been gifted with a big heart and influenced by Gandhism. His realisation of non-violence is benefiting 4000 children in 63 hamlets in two districts of coastal Tamil Nadu is not a small thing. His service to the society and sacrifice for the cause of downtrodden will certainly
bring him a place he deserves, in the minds of the people.
Thanks to Mr Srinivasan of Poduniversal for this nice podcast.
Y. Babji, Hyderabad, AP
à®®ிக்க நன்à®±ி. இவரின் மனமாà®±்றம் நம்பிக்கையளிக்கிறது. வெà®±ுமனே தீவிரவாதத்தை விட்டது மட்டுமன்à®±ி ஆக்கபூà®°்வமான வழியில் மக்கள் à®®ுன்னேறப் பாதைவகுக்குà®®் இந்தப் பெà®°ியவர்களை à®®ிகப் பெà®°ிய அளவில் வெளிச்சமிட்டுக் காட்டவேண்டியது அவசியம்.
This is really a good site.
ReplyDeleteDear Sir,
ReplyDeleteCould u please give me the address where Mr. Periaswamy started nightschool.
Really he has done a very great job.
If I could join them later part of my life I can serve for the children.