'Silence' has played a greater role both in Corporate governance and also in the personal life. Generally, peopole perceive that only text and speech form part of communication. Many of us do not know that 'Silence' is also a powerful communication tool.
June 2009 issue of Corporate ezine PR-e-Sense deals with the 'Sound of Silence". As part of the lead story, Mr N Vittal, Former Central Vigialnace Commissioner of India and an erudite scholar has given his broad views on the various aspects of the impact of silence both in governance and in personal iife.
Plese listen to his interview by clicking 'play' button in the flash player below. The audio streaming will be smooth in broadband connections. If the streaming is not smooth, you may right click this link and download the mp3 file of the audio. (12 m 39 s)
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