PodUniversal Edition 98
Feb 2010 issue of Corporate ezine PR-e-Sense will focus on 'Business Communication'. For this purpose, the ezine conducted an online survey to find out as to how people working in the corporates perceive about the 'Presentation Skills'. The respondents across the globe had only the following challenging factors:
1. Stage fear;
2. Lack of Self Confidence;
3. Lack of fluency; and
4. Lack of organising the talk
Also the survey revealed that in the past few years, even the technical person were required to make presentations internally and externally and they do not get adequate training inputs to improve their presentation skills.
With this in mind, the experts in Prime Point Foundation, have devised a special module for one day workshop to give sufficient knowledge and skills to the participants on the art of presentation skills.Foundation presently offers this module to benefit small and medium companies at a nominal cost as an In-Company programme. Please watch this video for more details.
The brochure may also be downloaded from:
The video may also be watched from:
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